Munitions in the North Dakota Army National Guard
Munitions Specialists supply ammunition, no matter how big or small the weapon. That means artillery shells, rockets, bullets, grenades and more. Trained to maintain inventory, schedule delivery and ship bulk ammunition, these professionals ensure Guard Soldiers are armed and ready for battle.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Specialists have a different challenge: destroying explosives that threaten lives. These technical experts employ remote-control vehicles and X-ray equipment to neutralize hazards and clear explosive threats—attractive skills for future careers in government agencies and civil law enforcement.
Enlisted MOS Options
89A Ammunition Stock Control And Accounting Specialist
The Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist operates the Standard Ammunition and Accounting System–Modernized computer hardware and software, and utilizes manual records to perform stock control and accounting procedures for ammunition, explosives and associated explosive components.
- Perform ammunition supply stock control and accounting duties using both automated and manual procedures
- Maintain hardware and software systems and manual records required to perform stock control and accounting procedures for ammunition and explosives
Job training for an Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and seven weeks and two days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA with on-the-job instructions. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field.
Some of the skills you’ll learn are:
- Performing functions using the Standard Army Ammunition System–Modernized
- Using the data browser to perform the automated issue, receipt, shipment, turn-in and maintenance transfer of ammunition
- Creating radio frequency identification system tags, and applicable reports and input data
- Uploading/downloading automated data processing equipment
- Performing individual warrior tasks and collective warrior battle drills
- Interest in algebra, chemistry, physics, geometry and trigonometry
- Aptitude for planning and organizing
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Capability to work calmly under stress
Skilled Technical (ST): 91
Learn more about the ASVAB.
890A Ammunition Warrant Officer
The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career with government agencies and private industries performing ordnance research and development.
89B Ammunition Specialist
Ammunition Specialists are specialized Soldiers who are responsible for the management of ordnance (ammunition and explosives). They are tasked with receiving, storing and issuing conventional ammunition, guided missiles, large rockets, explosives, and other ammunition- and explosive-related items.
- Perform maintenance modification, destruction and demilitarization on ammunition and explosive components
- Operate computer hardware and software and oversee utilities manual records in order to perform stock control and accounting procedures
- Perform ammunition supply stock control and accounting duties using both automated and manual procedures
- Inspect weapon systems to determine need for repair or destruction
Job training for an Ammunition Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and eight weeks and two days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA with on-the-job instruction. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field.
Some of the skills you’ll learn are:
- Ammunition identification and ammunition-related publications
- Ammunition maintenance operations
- Explosives demolition operations
- Operation of automated and manual ammunition management systems
- Interest in algebra, chemistry, physics, geometry and trigonometry
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Interest in planning and organizing
- Capability to work calmly under stress
Skilled Technical (ST): 91
Learn more about the ASVAB.
890A Ammunition Warrant Officer
The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career with government agencies and private industries performing ordnance research and development. You might also consider a future as a bomb disposal expert, gunsmith or munitions manufacturer.
89D Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Eod) Specialist
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist Soldiers are the Army National Guard’s preeminent tactical and technical explosives experts. They are warriors who are properly trained, equipped and integrated to attack, defeat and exploit unexploded ordnance, improvised explosive devices and weapons of mass destruction.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialists are the culmination of the best tactical and technical training the Army National Guard and civilian academia can provide. They are prepared to perform missions in support of Army National Guard units worldwide, across all operational environments.
- Research and identify ordnance
- Assist in the preparation and use of advanced robotics
- Explosively dispose of hazardous ordnance
- Prepare and maintain tools, equipment and vehicles
Job training for an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist requires completing 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 36 weeks of Advanced Individual Training.
Advanced Individual Training: 7 weeks, 4 days at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA, and 28 weeks, 3 days at Eglin AFB, FL
Some of the skills you’ll learn are:
- Basic electronics/electricity fundamentals
- Hazards and identification of United States and foreign munitions
- Demolition materials, procedures and operations
- Chemical and biological procedures and operations
- Interest in algebra, chemistry, physics, geometry and trigonometry
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Aptitude for planning and organizing
- Ability to work calmly under stress
- Ability to use computers effectively
Skilled Technical (ST): 110
Learn more about the ASVAB.
890A Ammunition Warrant Officer
The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career with government agencies, civil law enforcement and private industries performing ordnance research and development. You might also consider a future as a bomb disposal expert, gunsmith or munitions handler.
Officer MOS Options
91 Ordnance Officer
Ordnance Officers are responsible for ensuring that weapons systems, vehicles and equipment are ready and available—and in perfect working order—at all times. They also manage the developing, testing, fielding, handling, storage and disposal of munitions.
- Command and control operations during land combat
- Coordinate employment of ordnance Soldiers at all levels of command
Job training for an ordnance officer requires completion of the Ordnance Officer Basic Leadership Course, where you’ll learn leadership skills, tactics, maintenance and operational aspects of weapons and vehicles used in an ordnance platoon. Your training will take place in classrooms and in the field.
- Self-discipline
- Physical fitness
- Ability to perform under physical and mental pressures
- Ability to make decisions quickly and on your own
While there is no directly related job for an Ordnance Officer in the civilian world, the leadership skills you acquire as an Army National Guard Officer will help you in many types of careers. Being an officer in the Army National Guard is most closely related to being a key manager in a corporation.
Warrant Officer MOS Options
890A Ammunition Warrant Officer
The Ammunition Warrant Officer is a self-aware and adaptive technical expert, combat leader, trainer and advisor who is responsible for preparing and/or reviewing ammunition storage waivers; supervising and managing the Standard Army Ammunition System (SAAS) at all levels; and performing other company-grade officer-level duties as required/are essential to the unit mission. The Ammunition Warrant Officer investigates and reports conventional ammunition accidents, failures or malfunctions, and prepares, reviews and/or carries out operational plans in the ammunition storage areas of firefighting; emergency destruction; and physical security, explosive safety and transportation flow. The Ammunition Warrant Officer also directs and coordinates the:
- Accountability
- Receipt
- Storage
- Issue
- Inspection
- Maintenance
- Demilitarization of conventional ammunition, components, residue and unarmed training ammunition devices.
These minimum prerequisites will not be waived.
- Be a Sergeant (E-5).
- Have five to six years’ on-the-job experience in a feeder MOS validated by NCOERs.
- Specific (operations/logistic support) experience in any position involving direct contact with equipment/commodity/electronics/repair; retail or wholesale munitions operations; and/or munitions management. Army National Guard, Army Reserve and civilian MOS-related experience will be taken into consideration. Evaluation reports documenting experience must describe specific MOS-related positions, duties and responsibilities performed, and must be commensurate with the rank of the Soldier. Primary positions (supply specialist, admin NCO, commander’s driver, etc.) and primary duties/responsibilities (recruiting NCO, range safety NCO, company ammunition NCO, hazmat driver, etc.) not directly related to logistical operations, commensurate with the rank of the Soldier, do not qualify as on-the-job experience.
- Be an Advanced Leaders Course (ALC) graduate from a feeder MOS and meet Personnel Reliability Program requirements of AR 50-6. All phases/ERB must state ALC graduate, and all DA Form 1059s must be provided in the application.
- Provide a copy of all NCOERs, which should reflect MOS proficiency in an ammunition supervisory capacity. Copies of NCOERs must be provided in hard copy.
- Enclose a written recommendation from a senior warrant officer (CW3 and above) or from a warrant officer (WO) within the applicant’s organization, who holds the WO MOS the applicant is applying for. In organizations where no WO in the correct MOS is available, a letter of recommendation from a senior WO in the correct MOS from a supporting ammunition unit can be substituted.
NOTE: Applicants not meeting the prerequisites listed on this page may still submit a warrant officer packet, but must submit a separate Request for Waiver for each prerequisite not met. Each Request for Waiver required must be a separate memorandum, signed by the applicant, providing rationale on why the applicant feels the particular waiver should be granted. No waivers will be granted for E-4 and below.
NOTE: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local Warrant Officer Strength Manager has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.