Supply & Logistics in the North Dakota Army National Guard

Acquire Skills in Distribution

Guard Soldiers need food, fuel, parts and supplies, so our logistics specialists provide them all—and make any mission possible. Supply experts are masters at acquisition, tracking and distribution, overseeing asset storage and delivery. Fuel professionals drive tanker trucks to forward troops to keep fighting vehicles and helicopters on the move.

When natural disasters strike, these specialists coordinate and deliver aid to their communities, at times when it’s needed most. And because logistics careers transcend the military, Guard supply experts gain skills and experience highly valued by numerous civilian industries.

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Enlisted MOS Options

The Automated Logistical Specialist is primarily responsible for supervising and performing management or warehouse functions in order to maintain equipment records and parts.


  • Establish and maintain stock records and other documents, such as inventory, material control, accounting and supply reports
  • Review and verify quantities received against bills of contracts, purchase requests and shipping documents
  • Unload, unpack, count, segregate, palletize and store incoming supplies and equipment
  • Construct bins, shelving and other storage aids
  • Simplify and standardize the collection and use of maintenance data
  • Raise the quality and accuracy of performance, cost and parts data through improved maintenance management

Job training for an Automated Logistical Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and nine weeks and two days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA with on-the-job instruction. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field, including practice in handling and storing stock.

Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

  • Stock control and accounting procedures
  • Procedures for shipping, receiving, storing and issuing stock
  • Movement, storage and maintenance of ammunition
  • Procedures for handling medical and food supplies


  • Interest in mathematics, bookkeeping, accounting, business administration and/or typing
  • Ability to keep accurate records
  • Preference for Enjoyment of physical work
  • Interest in operating forklifts and other warehouse equipment

Clerical (CL): 90

Learn more about the ASVAB.

920B Supply Systems Technician

The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career as a stock control clerk, parts clerk or storekeeper with civilian factories, repair shops, department stores, and government warehouses and stockrooms.

Petroleum Supply Specialists are primarily responsible for supervising and managing the reception, storage and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products.


  • Receive and stock bulk and package products
  • Issue and dispense bulk fuels and water from storage and distribution facilities to using units
  • Select and submit samples to laboratory for testing
  • Perform petroleum and water accounting duties
  • Operate equipment used with petroleum and water distribution system and multi-product pipeline system

Job training for a Petroleum Supply Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 10 weeks and 3 days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA with on-the-job instructions. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field, including practice in using petroleum.

Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

  • Operating airplane refueling systems and equipment
  • Planning and scheduling petroleum transport
  • Operating pumps, pipelines and tanker equipment
  • Safety regulations and procedures for handling dangerous materials
  • Testing oil and fuels


  • Interest in shop mechanics and business math
  • Ability to follow spoken instructions
  • Preference for physical work


  • Clerical (CL): 86
  • Operators & Food (OF): 85

Learn more about the ASVAB.

923A Petroleum Systems Technician

The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career with oil refineries, pipeline companies, and tanker truck and ship lines.

The Culinary Specialist is primarily responsible for the preparation and service of food in field or garrison food service operations.


  • Bake, fry, braise, boil, simmer, steam and sauté as prescribed by Army National Guard recipes
  • Operate, maintain and clean field kitchen equipment
  • Perform preventive maintenance on garrison and field kitchen equipment

Job training for a Culinary Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and eight weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instructions. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field, including practice in food preparation.

Advanced Individual Training: 8 weeks at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA

Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

  • Standard and dietetic menus and recipes
  • Preparation and cooking of various foodstuffs and bakery products
  • Food and supply ordering
  • Storage of meats, poultry and other perishable items


  • Interest in cooking, home economics, health, mathematics, accounting and chemistry

Operators & Food (OF): 85

Learn more about the ASVAB.

922A Food Service Technician

The skills you learn will help prepare you for a future with civilian cafes, restaurants, cafeterias, hotels, hospitals, manufacturing plants, schools and other organizations that have their own dining facilities. Depending on your specialty, you’ll be able to pursue a career as a cook, chef, meat cutter, butcher or baker.

A Petroleum Laboratory Specialist refines and tests the fuel that moves the Guard. Use specialized science to evaluate and recommend petroleum products to fit the needs of the ever-changing battlefield. Conduct laboratory tests on samples and apply safety procedures in handling volatile products.


  • Gather samples and test petroleum products
  • Evaluate test results and make recommendations on products
  • Follow the American Society for Testing and Materials guidelines
  • Safely handle volatile products in case of a fire or emergency

Skilled Technical (ST): 91

Learn more about the ASVAB.

Job training for a Petroleum Laboratory Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 7 weeks and 2 days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA, and an on-the-job split between the classroom and the field.

Some of the skills you’ll learn are

  • Testing methods
  • Use of lab equipment, such as the centrifuge and spectrometer


  • Interest in chemistry and mathematics
  • Ability to follow detailed procedures
  • Interest in performing technical work

The skills and experience you acquire as a Petroleum Laboratory Specialist could lead you into the petroleum industry or in a chemistry-related field doing testing in a lab.

The Mortuary Affairs Specialist performs duties relating to deceased personnel, including recovery, collection, evacuation and establishment of tentative identification. They also inventory, safeguard and evacuate personal effects of deceased personnel and serve as recovery specialists at the U.S. Army’s Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii.


  • Search areas for unburied dead, unmarked graves, personal effects and identification media
  • Disinter remains, record personal effects, and evacuate remains and personal effects to designated points
  • Determine and record recovery locations on maps, sketches and overlays
  • Establish and record tentative identification
  • Inventory, safeguard and evacuate personal effects
  • Assist in preparation, preservation and shipment of remains

Job training for a Mortuary Affairs Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and seven weeks and three days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA with on-the-job instructions. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field.

General Maintenance (GM): 88

Learn more about the ASVAB.

The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career with funeral services or forensic medicine.

Parachute Riggers are primarily responsible for repairing textile and canvas items, webbed equipment, and clothing.


  • Rig supplies, equipment and vehicles for airdrop
  • Perform technical, routine and in-storage rigger-type inspection on cargo, extraction and personnel parachute as well as other airdrop equipment before, during and after each use
  • Inventory, clean, receive, store and issue all airdrop equipment used in airdrop operations
  • Use and maintain machines and tools for fabrication, modification and repair to parachute and other airdrop equipment
  • Inspect, test and install extraction and release systems

Job training for a Parachute Rigger requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 13 weeks and four days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA with on-the-job instructions. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field.

Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

  • Parachute rigging techniques
  • Maintenance of air-sea rescue equipment
  • Repair of inflatable rafts and other survival equipment
  • Maintenance of oxygen equipment


  • Knowledge of shop mechanics and science
  • High attention to detail
  • Interest in contributing to the safety of others


  • General Maintenance (GM): 88
  • Combat (CO): 87

Learn more about the ASVAB.

921A Airdrop Systems Technician

The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career with commercial airlines, parachute rigging and supply companies, survival equipment manufacturing firms, or some government agencies.

Shower and Laundry Specialists (S&L SPC) are primarily responsible for supervising and performing laundry, shower, personnel and clothing decontamination functions.


  • Receive bulk, individual or organizational laundry
  • Operate mobile laundry system, shower units, light-duty sewing machines and associated equipment
  • Alter sizes, and repair uniforms and zippers
  • Operate and maintain sewing, darning and button machines

Job training for a Shower and Laundry Specialist (S&L SPC) requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and six weeks and two days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field with on-the-job instructions.

General Maintenance (GM): 84

Learn more about the ASVAB.

The skills you learn will help prepare you for a future with schools, hotels, hospitals, manufacturing plants and other organizations that have their own laundry and housekeeping facilities. Depending on your specialty, you’ll be able to pursue a career in housekeeping, laundry or dry cleaning.

Water Treatment Specialists are primarily responsible for supervising or performing the installation and operation of water purification equipment, as well as dealing with water storage and distribution operations and activities. They also inspect facilities and food supplies for the presence of disease, germs or other conditions hazardous to health and the environment.


  • Perform water quality analysis testing and verification
  • Assist in water reconnaissance and site preparation
  • Operate and maintain water treatment equipment
  • Assist in setup of water treatment activity

Job training for a Water Treatment Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 12 weeks of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA with on-the-job instructions. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field, including practice in testing different products.

Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

  • Identification of health hazards
  • Inspection of food products, food service operations, wastewater and waste disposal facilities


  • Interest in algebra, biology, chemistry and general science
  • High attention to detail
  • Interest in protecting the environment

General Maintenance (GM): 88

Learn more about the ASVAB.

923A Petroleum Systems Technician

The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career with local, state or federal government agencies. You’ll be able to consider a future as a food and drug inspector, public health inspector, health and safety inspector, or industrial hygienist.

The Unit Supply Specialist is primarily responsible for supervising or performing tasks involving the general upkeep and maintenance of all Army National Guard supplies and equipment.


  • Receive, inspect, inventory, load/unload, store, issue and deliver supplies and equipment
  • Maintain automated supply system for accounting of organizational and installation supplies and equipment
  • Issue and receive small arms
  • Secure and control weapons and ammunition in security areas
  • Schedule and perform preventive and organizational maintenance on weapons
  • Operate unit-level computers

Job training for a Unit Supply Specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and eight weeks and two days of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gregg-Adams, VA with on-the-job instructions. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field, including practice in handling and storing stock.

Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

  • Procedures for shipping, receiving, storing and issuing stock
  • Stock control and accounting procedures
  • Procedures for handling medical and food supplies
  • Movement, storage and maintenance of ammunition


  • Interest in mathematics, bookkeeping, accounting, business administration and/or typing
  • Ability to keep accurate records
  • Preference for physical work
  • Interest in operating forklifts and other warehouse equipment

Clerical (CL): 90

Learn more about the ASVAB.

920A Property Accounting Technician

The skills you’ll learn will help prepare you for a career as a stock control clerk, parts clerk or storekeeper with factories, repair shops, department stores, and government warehouses and stockrooms.

Being a Senior Noncommissioned Logistician means managing the operations of Soldiers, materials and logistics to keep our forces moving. The Senior Noncommissioned Logistician is the principal NCO of supply services operations.


  • Supervise Soldiers engaged in supply, services, materiel management and logistics operations
  • Perform duties of MOS 92A and 92Y
  • Serve as principal NCO of supply and services operations
  • Supervise operation of organizations performing supply and related service operations such as transportation, property disposal and commissary operations
  • Manage material support functions in stock control and accounting, procurement, inventory control and item financial management
  • Oversee the development and preparation of operations information, plans, maps sketches, overlays and related data to employ supply and service organizations
  • Contribute to staff development and operations of supply support data systems, equipment review, salvage and repair parts supply procedures, and maintenance support systems
  • Supervise preparation of orders, operating instructions, reports and related technical materials
  • Serve as a liaison between staff and supported Soldiers to improve effectiveness of support activities


  • Interest in logistics
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to work as a team member

The path to becoming a 92Z begins with enlistment as a 92A Automated Logistical Specialist or a 92Y Unit Supply Specialist, both of which require 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 10 weeks of Advanced Individual Training.

Experience as a Senior Noncommissioned Logistician could lead you into the logistics field with a trucking company or a private company with a large logistics needs.

Officer MOS Options

Quartermaster officers are responsible for making sure equipment, materials and systems are available and functioning for missions. More specifically, the Quartermaster Officer provides supply support for Soldiers and units in field services, aerial delivery, and material and distribution management.


  • Command and control quartermaster operations and combined Armed Forces during land combat
  • Coordinate employment of quartermaster Soldiers at all levels of command in U.S. and multinational operations

Quartermaster Officer training includes completion of the Quartermaster Officer Basic Course, where you will learn leadership skills, tactics, maintenance and operational aspects of weapons and vehicles used in a quartermaster platoon. Your training will take place in classrooms and in the field.


  • Self-discipline
  • Physical fitness
  • Ability to perform under physical and mental pressures
  • Ability to make decisions quickly and on your own

While there is no directly related job for a quartermaster officer in the civilian world, the leadership skills you gain as an Army National Guard officer will help you in many types of civilian careers. An officer in the Army National Guard is most closely related to a vital manager in a corporation.

Warrant Officer MOS Options

As a Warrant Officer Property Accounting Technician, you are the expert in ensuring your unit has the proper equipment and supplies on hand to be fully functional.


  • Serve as the Property Accounting Technician in both operational and generating force units
  • Ensure that 100 percent property accountability is maintained and that all authorized equipment is on hand, on valid requisition or on redistribution order
  • Locate and acquire standard and nonstandard equipment and supplies through military and nonmilitary supply sources, to meet unit readiness and operational requirements
  • Oversee and validate the small purchase program, to prevent fraud, waste and abuse
  • Determine equipment funding requirements and coordinate for funds availability with supported units and resource management activities
  • Develop, execute, monitor and provide input to the annual supply budget
  • Coordinate acquisition and priority distribution of new equipment fielding with the Force Modernization Activity
  • Redistribute excess equipment throughout the command
  • Processe excess equipment for disposal, after all redistribution efforts are met
  • Monitor unit and/or Government Contractor Supply Operations, to ensure compliance with policy and/or contractual requirements
  • Administer the Command Supply Discipline Program
  • Train, develop and mentor supply and nonsupply personnel on supply policies, processes and procedures
  • Act as primary advisor to the command and supported units, on all property accountability and organizational-level supply matters


  • Be a Sergeant or above.
  • Be an ALC graduate in MOS 92Y or 68J (waiverable on a case-by-case basis).
  • Score at the 12th-grade level on the English portion (Language) of the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE); Soldiers possessing an associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree are exempt.
  • Submit copies of ALL NCOERs. The preponderance of your NCOERs must reflect outstanding and exceptional duty performance ratings noted with “Among the Best” ratings by the Rater and “Successful” and “Superior” ratings by the Senior Rater.
  • Have at least five years’ experience in MOS 92Y or 68J within the last eight years. Military Technician, Government Contract and other civilian job experiences that correlate with the feeder MOSs will be considered.
  • Possess a letter of recommendation from a Senior Property Accounting Technician that attests to your technical and tactical competence in MOS 92Y or 68J.

NOTE: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local Warrant Officer Strength Manager has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.

As a Warrant Officer Supply Systems Technician, you will instruct, manage and supervise personnel within the Supply Support Activity (SSA) for supply systems policy and procedures.


  • Manage the receipt, storage and issuance of supplies and equipment at the technical supply or DSU level in accordance with established policies and regulations
  • Plan requirements for stockage and control based on accumulation of demand data
  • Control management of operational float stocks to ensure compliance with Army National Guard policy
  • Inspect supported units to ensure supply performance standards are being achieved
  • Provide technical guidance to personnel of supported units/activities in order to assist, establish and maintain adequate stockage levels for mission accomplishment
  • Conduct periodic inventories of stockage supply items, initiate action for disposition of excesses, and make recommendations for changes to the authorized stockage list (ASL)
  • Develop standard operating procedures and perform administrative duties related to the supply activity


  • Be a SGT(P) or above.
  • Be an ALC graduate in MOS 92A.
  • Have at least five years of experience in MOS 92A within the last eight years.
  • Score at the 12th-grade level on the English portion (language) of the Tests for Adult Basic Education (TABE); Soldiers possessing an associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree are exempt.
  • Provide copies of all NCOERs; the majority of the Soldier’s NCOERs must be noted with “Successful” performance and “Superior” potential ratings by the senior rater.
  • Submit HQ USAREC Form 1936 (Letter of Recommendation) from a Senior Supply Systems Technician (CW3-CW5), assigned to the Soldier’s organization, that attests to their technical and tactical competence in. MOS 92A; if no Senior Supply Systems Technician is assigned, provide a letter of recommendation from another Senior Quartermaster Warrant Officer (920A, 921A, 922A or 923A) assigned to the Soldier’s organization/installation.

As a Warrant Officer Airdrop Systems Technician, you will be the expert in supervising the preparation and loading of equipment and supplies for airdrop and parachute packing as well as the repair and inventory of associated equipment. You may also be called upon to serve as an instructor to other Soldiers.


  • Provide technical guidance to commanders and staff regarding airborne and/or airdrop operations
  • Supervise inspection of parachutes and parachute components to detect flaws in materials and workmanship
  • Supervise packing of parachutes
  • Ensure that unserviceable, nonrepairable and overage parachutes are retired from inventory
  • Supervise airdrop rigging activities and airdrop equipment maintenance
  • Maintain compliance standards and criteria for life support systems and other airdrop equipment


  • Be a Sergeant or above.
  • Be an Advanced Leaders Course (ALC) graduate in MOS 92R.
  • Have at least seven years’ experience in the feeder MOS within the last 10 years; to ensure currency in all certifications, the Soldier’s most recent year of experience must be performing as a 92R.
  • Possess two years’ experience supervising operations in a packing shed, repair shop, cargo airdrop facility or storage warehouse. Military technician, government contract and other civilian job experiences that correlate with the feeder MOS will be considered.
  • Be Jumpmaster qualified with a Senior Parachutist rating and have completed the Airdrop Load Inspectors Course.
  • Score at the 12th-grade level on the English portion (Language) of the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE); Soldiers possessing an associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree are exempt.
  • Provide copies of all NCOERs; the majority of the Soldier’s NCOERs must be noted with “Successful” Performance and “Superior” Potential ratings by the Senior Rater.
  • Submit HQ USAREC Form 1936 (Letter of Recommendation) from a Senior Airdrop Systems Technician (e.g., CW3–CW5), assigned to the Soldier’s organization, that attests to their technical and tactical competence in MOS 92R. If no Senior Airdrop Systems Technician is assigned, provide a letter of recommendation from another Senior Quartermaster Warrant Officer (e.g., 920A, 920B, 922A or 923A) assigned to the Soldier’s organization/installation.

NOTE: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local Warrant Officer Strength Manager has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.

As a Warrant Officer Food Service Technician, you are responsible for supervising and administering all food service activities from personnel to planning and preparation, storage, distribution and accounting. You know proper nutritional needs and serve as a staff advisor to a general officer. You may also serve as a school instructor.


  • Coordinate and supervise the Food Service Program for installations, commands or organizations, to include:
    • Dissemination of information
    • Managing personnel
    • Determining technical training requirements
    • Developing and conducting training for officers, enlisted and civilian personnel
    • Developing management plans for food service
    • Developing, coordinating and monitoring budget requirements for food service equipment and expendable supplies for both garrison and field requirements
  • Plan, train and carry out changes in nutritional awareness programs, modification of menus and implementation of low-calorie menus
  • Coordinate with Troop Issue Subsistence Activities (TISA) and Class I points to ensure availability of appropriate subsistence for both garrison and field feeding operations, to ensure timely resupply, and to ensure reconfiguration of field rations into nutritionally acceptable menus
  • Evaluate field feeding requirements and develop milestone plans to support major field exercises
  • Review and monitor requisitions for Class I, III and IX supplies to support food service operations, and coordinate all food service for field training
  • Train and oversee Class I supply distribution operations and ration break personnel in the acquisition, receipt, storage, shipment, and accountability for subsistence, water, ice, religious operational rations, and health and comfort packs
  • Evaluate garrison and field feeding operations to ensure food service personnel comply with food service regulations relative to food preparation, service, accountability and sanitation
  • If serving as a Contracting Officer Representative (COR) and/or the Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR), inspect full food service contract dining facilities to ensure they are in compliance with the terms of the contract


  • Be a Sergeant or above.
  • Be an ALC graduate in MOS 92G or 68M (waiverable on a case-by-case basis).
  • Score at the 12th-grade level on the English portion (Language) of the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE); Soldiers possessing an associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree are exempt.
  • Submit copies of ALL NCOERs. The preponderance of your NCOERs must reflect outstanding and exceptional duty performance ratings noted with “Among the Best” ratings by the rater and “Successful” and “Superior” ratings by the senior rater.
  • Have at least five years’ experience in MOS 92G or 68M within the last eight years and possess two years of food service supervisory experience. Military technician, government contract and other civilian job experiences that correlate with the feeder MOSs will be considered.
  • Have documented (NCOER) a minimum of two years’ supervising personnel (first cook/shift leader in garrison and field operations).
  • Possess a letter of recommendation from a Senior Food Service Technician that attests to your technical and tactical competence in MOS 92G or 68M.
  • Possess a minimum of two years’ supervising personnel as a first cook or shift leader.

NOTE: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local Warrant Officer Strength Manager has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.

As a Warrant Officer Petroleum Systems Technician, you are the expert in all things petroleum to keep forces moving. Acquisition, storage, inspection, testing and distribution of petroleum products fall under your expertise. Additionally, you will develop and coordinate unit procedures on the sound handling of petroleum products and monitor its disposal per applicable laws.


  • Serve in staff positions requiring petroleum experience
  • Determine requirements for bulk fuel and packaged petroleum products, storage space and fuel/water systems
  • Monitor quality surveillance procedures for petroleum or water
  • Develop, supervise and coordinate unit procedures and programs on environmentally sound handling of petroleum products and water chemicals
  • Direct the preparation of accounting reports and maintenance records for petroleum distribution operations
  • Monitor and advise the following operations:
    • Units engaged in petroleum operations
    • Acquisition, storage, inspection, testing, issue and distribution of petroleum products and/or water
    • Unit spill containment and cleanup operations
    • Disposal procedures for waste produced by unit petroleum and water operations
    • Petroleum operations and user maintenance of pipelines, hose lines, terminals, dispensing systems, petroleum laboratory testing procedures, loading and discharge of ocean-going tankers and other petroleum vessels
    • Water production, storage and distribution equipment
    • Operation and maintenance of water production, storage and distribution equipment performance of standard physical and chemical tests
  • Evaluate test results and recommends disposition of off-specification or captured petroleum products
  • Recommend locations of petroleum pipeline routes, terminals, supply points and depots, and advise on bulk petroleum distribution system design
  • Ensure petroleum operations adhere to applicable environmental policies, procedures, laws and regulations
  • Serve as the quality surveillance representative throughout the petroleum community


  • Be SGT or above.
  • Be an ALC graduate in MOS 92F, 92L or 92W (waiverable on a case-by-case basis).
  • Score at the 12th-grade level on the English portion (Language) of the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE); Soldiers possessing an associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree are exempt.
  • Submit copies of ALL NCOERs. The preponderance of your NCOERs must reflect outstanding and exceptional duty performance ratings noted with “Among the best” ratings by the rater and “Successful” and “Superior” ratings by the senior rater.
  • Have at least five years’ experience as a Fuel or Water Handler in MOS 92F, 92W or 92L within the last eight years. Military technician, government contract and other civilian job experiences that correlate with the feeder MOSs will be considered.
  • Possess a letter of recommendation from a Senior Quartermaster Warrant Officer that attests to your technical and tactical competence in MOS 92F, 92L or 92W.
  • Possess six semester hours of composition-based English (grade of C or better) from an accredited institution of higher learning. Successful completion of the CLEP in English composition or freshman college composition is acceptable. You must provide a memorandum signed by an Army Education Center official certifying that the college or university is an Army-accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Possess three semester hours of an algebra-based mathematics course from an accredited institution of higher learning. Successful completion of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) in college algebra is acceptable.

Waiver requests for the five years of experience will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

NOTE: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local Warrant Officer Strength Manager has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.

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